Author: competition


U sklopu projekta Jean Monnet Module EU Competition Law pripremljeno je nekoliko webinara na ovu temu.

As part of the Jean Monnet Module EU Competition law, several webinars are produced and published.

Webinar #1 – Franchising contract (Ugovor o franšizi) is available at the following link (only in Croatian)

Webinar #2 – Abuse of a dominant position (Zloupotreba vladajućeg položaja) is available at the following link (only in Croatian) and the presentation is available here.

Webinar #3 – Competition Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Pravo tržišnog natjecanja u Bosni i Hercegovini) is available at the following link (only in Croatian)

Webinar #4 – Competition Law in North Macedonia (Pravo tržišnog natjecanja u Sjevernoj Makedoniji) is available at the following link (only in Macedonian) and presentation is available here.

Aktivnosti na projektu / Project activities

Tijekom provedbe projekta održat će se;

  • edukacija za kliničare Pravno ekonomske klinike u Osijeku,
  • nastava za studente na kolegiju Zaštita tržišnog natjecanja na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Osijeku,
  • nekoliko webinara na temu EU Competition Law te
  • završna konferencija na temu EU Competition Law na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Osijeku

During the implementation of the project following activities will be held

  • education for clinicians in the Law and Economy Clinic in Osijek,
  • EU Competition course at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek,
  • several webinars on the topic of the EU Competition Law
  • final conference on the topic of the EU Competition Law at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek