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Izv. prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Akšamović

An associate professor at the Faculty of Law in Osijek, J. J. Strossmayer (PRAVOS) in Osijek. Head of Department of Company and Contract law. Co-founder and Head of Legal-Economic Clinic. She teaches several compulsory courses (Company Law, Contract law, Insolvency Law) among which also Competition Law for graduate students and EU Competition law for Ph.D. students. She obtained her Ph.D. in the year 2008 in Competition Law titled Concentrations versus Free Market Competition. She is co-founder and member of Croatian Association for Competition Law and Policy (CACLP) which is national roof organization dedicated to development and promotion of Competition law and policy in Croatia. Besides Ph.D. she also wrote several scientific papers on relevant Competition law issues. She is a regular speaker at international conferences in Croatia and abroad dedicated to Competition law. Most recently she published chapter in a book published by Springer titled EU Competition and State Aid Rules. She is also invited to participate as a speaker to the upcoming seminar on EU Antitrust Law organized by European Judicial Network for foreign judges which will be held in Zadar, Croatia in September 2018. This is the first Jean Monnet project that she is applying to in cooperation with Faculty of Economics where she already teaches Business law course to students of Economics. 

Doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Erceg

Assistant professor of Faculty of Economics in Osijek J. J. Strossmayer University (EFOS) in Osijek. He previously was deputy purchasing director at two local production companies in Osijek (Saponia d.d. and Kandit d.o.o.).

He started to teach at Faculty of Economics after 20 years of work in corporations in Croatia. During his 20 years of experience in Saponia and Kandit, his tasks included organization of purchasing departments and supply chain management, cooperation with suppliers, customs authorities, and logistic companies.

His research and teaching experience is connected mainly to franchising which is one of the agreements in connection to competition law. His research is focused on franchising, entrepreneurship, operations management, and lean thinking. He is teaching several courses including Franchising, Operations management, Entrepreneurship, and Corporate Entrepreneurship at various levels of study programs. He earned his Ph.D. in management from Faculty of Economics in Osijek in 2012. His doctoral thesis was written about franchising and its influence on entrepreneur’s growth strategies.

Work on this project will be a new teaching experience for him but also will enable further development of his economic expertise in EU competition law. He is part of Erasmus+ project Intense – International Entrepreneurship Skills Europe 82016-1-DE01-KA203-002886) where he oversees administration and organization of activities at EFOS.

Izv. prof. dr. sc. Tunjica Petrašević

Tunjica Petrašević is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law Osijek, Chair of constitutional and European law. Professional orientation towards EU law derives from Postgraduate (doctoral) study of European Law at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb (2011). In 2010, he did part of his doctoral research as a visiting researcher at Johannes Kepler University in Linz (Austria). He was trainee at the Court of Justice of the EU (2010). In 2011, he defended his doctoral thesis ‘’Preliminary Ruling Procedure before the European Court of Justice with special reference to its implementation in national legal systems of Member States”. He was Erasmus visiting professor at Johannes Kepler University in Linz (2013), University in Vilnius (2014), University in Perugia (2016), Europa Institute of Saarland University in Saarbrücken (2017) and at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED in Madrid (2018). He was teaching’s staff member at the Jean Monnet Module ‘’EU Law: Basic Introduction Preliminary Ruling Procedure, Legal Aspects and Regional and International Cooperation in the EU’’ (2011-2014). >From 2014-2017 he was holding Jean Monnet Chair in EU procedural law. He is a member of teaching staff at Jean Monnet Chair for cross-border movement of children – EUChild (2016-2019). He is vice-dean for science, international cooperation and postgraduate studies.

Lidija Šimunović

Ph.D. Candidate and young Research Assistant. Her professional orientation towards EU Competition Law is derived from attending Postgraduate (doctoral) study of Commercial and Company Law at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb (2012-present). At the mentioned doctoral study, she attended the course on Competition Law and pass it with the highest grade. Currently, she works as a Research Assistant at the Faculty of Law in Osijek at the Department of Commercial Law. She holds a seminar in Commercial Law and Company Law exercises at the Faculty of Law in Osijek. She has not owned interdisciplinary teaching experience on EU Competition Law. She had only monitored and shared teaching experience toward EU Competition Law ones under the supervision of Professor Akšamović at the course on Competition Law where she holds 4 hours on EU state aids. She is a supervisor at the Legal-Economic Clinic in Osijek from 2014. She graduated in 2012 from Faculty of Law in Osijek with magna cum laude. From 2013 to 2014 she has been working as a law intern at the law firm and from 2014 she has been working as a research assistant at Faculty of Law in Osijek in the areas of Commercial, Company and Competition Law. In 2014 received researching scholarship from theUniversity of Vienna where she spent one month for scientific research (the topic of the research: The Franchise Agreements in Croatian and Austrian Competition Law. She was awarded twice (first time in 2015 and second time in 2017) with one-month research scholarship from the Max Planck Institute as the best young researcher from South-East Europe. In 2016, she was Erasmus visiting staff researcher at Faculty of Law, University in Barcelona. She speaks English, German and Spanish. In 2016, she attended International SEELS Summer School on EU Competition Law and EU State Aides. She will be the teaching staff and teach 2 courses every year (EU Competition Law for Economics seminar and Legal-Economic Clinic on EU Competition Law), international spring webinar, 2 workshops/roundtables, altogether 15 hours of (seminar on EU Competition Law for Economics)per year + 10 hours (Legal-Business Clinic) per year + 5 (workshop/roundtable/webinar) hours per year, in total around 30 hours per year, around 90 hours in total.

Izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman

Associate Professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Law. At the University of Zagreb, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, she teaches courses in Company and Commercial Law, Competition Law, Competition Law and Electronic Communications, and Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights. She obtained the title of Ph.D. in 2008 from the University of Zagreb (the topic of dissertation: cartel agreements and coordinated practice), and the title of LLM in 2000 from University of London (University College London). She is Non-Governmental Advisor (NGA) at International Competition Network (ICN), appointed by the Croatian Competition Agency. She is Vice-President of the Croatian Association for Competition Law and Policy and a member of ASCOLA (Academic Society for Competition Law). She has co-authored the first textbook on competition law in Croatia. She organised traditional annual conferences on competition law and policy in memory of a distinguished Croatian competition law scholar Dr. Vedran Šoljan, a forum for Croatian practitioners and academics to meet and discuss various competition topics. She published numerous publications on various competition topics (antitrust damages, cartels, mergers, predatory prices etc.). She participated in working groups on new legislation in competition law. She regularly advises large Croatian companies on various competition law topics, while also participating in market research studies (retail, telecom) on competition and regulatory issues. She participated in a number of international/EU projects in the area of competition law, including projects in training of national judges, advised Montenegrin Competition Agency, and participated in the relevant working groups in the process of preparing Croatia for EU accession.

Mladen Cerovac

President of the Competition council of the Croatian Competition Agency (CCA) since 2013. Continuously employed in the CCA since its establishment in 1997. Since 2010 Deputy President of the Competition Council. In 2003, following the appointment of the Competition Council, he was an independent advisor to the President of the Council, then the director of the Antitrust and M&A Division. Graduated from the Faculty of the Law University of Zagreb and took his bar exam. One of the experts with the longest work experience in competition law and policy in Croatia. Specialized in the control of concentrations and abuse of dominance. Author of the first Croatian Glossary of competition law and policy, co-author of the books “Introduction to the EU“ and “Legal environment of doing business”. He also published many papers on various competition issues. He held papers in many national and international seminars and lectures on the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and Osijek; Faculty of Economy in Zagreb and Faculty of Economy in Split, in Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatian Chamber of Economy. Member of the negotiating team for the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the EU (Chapter 8 Competition Policy). As an international legal expert, he participated in the EU and UK funded projects on technical assistance to the Anti-Monopoly Commission of the Republic of Macedonia (2010-2011 and 2014-2015), Commission for Protection of Competition of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015) and to the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia (2008-2011 and 2015-2016). He is co-founder and member of Croatian Association for Competition Law and Policy (CACLP) which is national roof organization dedicated to development and promotion of Competition law and policy in Croatia.