Category: Kolegij

Kolegij Zaštita tržišnog nadmetanja / EU Competiton Law course

Kolegij Zaštita tržišnog nadmetanja izvodi se na 2. godini poslijediplomskog studija Poduzetnički menadžment i poduzetništvo na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Osijeku.

The EU Competition Law is held at the 2nd year of postgraduate study Entrepreneurship Management and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek.

Studenti koji izaberu ovaj kolegij upoznat će se s najnovijom praksom i regulativom vezanom uz zaštitu tržišnog nadmetanja te će imati mogućnost sudjelovati u radu Pravno ekonomske klinike u Osijeku na slučajevima iz domene ove regulative.

Students who choose this course will get acquainted with the latest practices and regulations related to the protection of market competition and will have the opportunity to participate in the work of the Law and Economic Clinic in Osijek on cases from the domain of this regulation.