Category: Osnovni info

Aktivnosti na projektu / Project activities

Tijekom provedbe projekta održat će se;

  • edukacija za kliničare Pravno ekonomske klinike u Osijeku,
  • nastava za studente na kolegiju Zaštita tržišnog natjecanja na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Osijeku,
  • nekoliko webinara na temu EU Competition Law te
  • završna konferencija na temu EU Competition Law na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Osijeku

During the implementation of the project following activities will be held

  • education for clinicians in the Law and Economy Clinic in Osijek,
  • EU Competition course at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek,
  • several webinars on the topic of the EU Competition Law
  • final conference on the topic of the EU Competition Law at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek

Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku / Faculty of Economics in Osijek

Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku jedan je od najstarijih fakulteta i visokoobrazovnih institucija u Osijeku, Slavoniji, Baranji i Srijemu te je bio okosnica osnutka Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Osnovan je 1961. godine, kao nastavak aktivnosti Centra za ekonomski studij zagrebačkoga sveučilišta, a uz veliku podršku tadašnje poslovne zajednice, gospodarske komore, te institucija lokalne i regionalne vlasti. Ta „regionalna” utemeljenost odredila je od samoga početka i profil Fakulteta: u znanstveno-istraživačkom radu usmjerenoga na probleme regionalnog razvoja i razvoja poduzeća, a u obrazovnim programima usmjerenoga na problematiku organizacije poslovanja i upravljanja poduzećem. Na početku prve godine djelovanja u Centru za ekonomski studij u Osijeku (osnovanoga 25. lipnja 1959. godine) upisalo se ukupno 293 studenta. Nakon dvije godine, točnije 14. lipnja 1961. godine, Centar za ekonomski studij transformirao se u Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku. Osnivanjem Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku 1975. godine, Fakultet postaje njegova sastavnica. Nastavni plan i program četverogodišnjeg studija koji je u cijelosti usvojen od strane tadašnjeg Nacionalnog vijeća za visoku naobrazbu u proljeće 1997. godine uključivao je dva smjera: Financijski menadžment i Marketing menadžment te je, kao takav, mogao odgovoriti na zahtjeve za kvalitetnim kadrovima koji su evidentno nedostajali u ratom posrnulom gospodarstvu ovog područja. Fakultet sve do 1999. godine bilježi ubrzani rast mjereno brojem upisanih studenata, polaznika poslijediplomskog studija, doktoranata i nastavnog osoblja.

Neosporiva je činjenica kako je, u 57 godina svog postojanja, Fakultet odigrao znakovitu ulogu u obrazovanju znanstvenika i stručnjaka u ovom dijelu Republike Hrvatske te je njegova djelatnost bila odraz okruženja kojemu pripada, kao i potražnji njegovih studenata. Do 2017. godine na Fakultetu je diplomiralo 9.566 studenata na dodiplomskom i 2.465 studenata na diplomskom studiju, 691 studenata je magistriralo, te 258 studenata doktoriralo. Od prvih dana svog postojanja Fakultet teži pozicioniranju kao autonomnoj, modernoj, komparativno-kompetitivnoj ustanovi bliskoj europskoj i svjetskoj kvaliteti nastavnog i znanstveno-istraživačkog rada. Kroz svoju viziju i misiju Fakultet dokazuje svoju predanost poticanju i ostvarenju izvrsnosti u svojoj znanstveno-istraživačkoj i nastavnoj aktivnosti kao važnom preduvjetu ostvarenja napretka i konkurentnosti društva u kojemu djeluje. Sve navedeno upućuje na to da bogata tradicija i sadašnji intelektualni potencijal Fakulteta mogu i u budućnosti biti snažna potpora razvoju gospodarstva Regije i Republike Hrvatske kao cjeline.

The Faculty of Economics in Osijek (EFOS) is one of the oldest faculties at the J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek. The faculty is an organizational unit of J. J. Strossmayer University but has its own legal personality and its own budget and bank account. Therefore, the project holder will be Faculty, not University. In addition to full time and part time studies, EFOS provides postgraduate courses and research activities that are focused mainly on regional development, entrepreneurship, and information systems. The Faculty of Economics currently employs 63 teachers and other teaching staff and 32 administrative and other staff. EFOS is the only higher education institution in Croatia providing education in entrepreneurship from undergraduate to doctoral level. 

In 2005, within the framework of university reform following the Bologna Declaration, EFOS altered its study programs according to European standards and requirements. In 2011 Faculty of Economics has gone through a successful process of international accreditation and received IQA (International Quality Accreditation CEEMAN) certificate confirming high-quality programs and its realization, human potential, and capacity as well as the final results. The Faculty is also recognized in the field of Entrepreneurship, and for its contribution in that field, the faculty has been granted with UNESCO – Chair for Entrepreneurship.

Professors at the Faculty of Economics (EFOS) in Osijek are pioneers in entrepreneurship education in Croatia. EFOS is the only higher education institution in Croatia providing education in entrepreneurship from undergraduate to doctoral level, including a life-long learning program.

EFOS has broad experience in participating in EU projects with different international organizations, where EFOS had both roles, as applicant organisation and partner organisation. There was a big emphasis on the connection of educational institutions, government bodies, and businesses in every project. As a result of EU funded TEMPUS project EFOS set up the ICES centre (International Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies), that is aimed to provide new capacity of higher education institutions to react to the needs of the economic development, with new knowledge and skills offered through the creation of the doctoral program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation; developing a virtual learning platform for entrepreneurial studies, and interdisciplinary and outreaching model of entrepreneurship education (entrepreneurship across campus).

Faculty of Economics in Osijek is running GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) project for Croatia, the world biggest research project in entrepreneurship. Additionally, the personnel of EFOS have significant experience in project implementation and teaching within several EU funded projects. Among other things, to-date project activities included project managing and coordination, joint research, presentations, and lecturing.

Pravni fakultet u Osijeku

Geneza visokoškolskog pravnog obrazovanja obilježena je 1961. godinom kada s radom kratkotrajno započinje dislocirani studiji prava u organizaciji Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a potom i 1973. kada je u okviru Pravnog studija Ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku pokrenuta kontinuirana izobrazba pravnika. Dvije godine poslije, njihovo potpuno pomanjkanje na tlu Slavonije i Baranje i nastojanja na podizanju i poboljšanju obrazovne strukture lokalnog stanovništva bili su osnovni razlozi prerastanja Pravnog studija u novoosnovani Pravni fakultet.

U prvim godinama djelovanja nastavni kadar uglavnom su činili nastavnici Ekonomskog fakulteta u Osijeku i eminentni gostujući profesori Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Njihovim nesebičnim zalaganjem i nastojanjima prvoga dekana, prof. dr. sc. Dragutina Rilkea, na otvaranju novih radnih mjesta, sredinom osamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća Fakultet je uspio osigurati vlastite nastavnike na svim kolegijima. Pravni fakultet u Osijeku organiziran je u 20 katedri koje okupljaju srodne predmete, a pored njih ustrojbene su jedinice Fakulteta Knjižnica, Tajništvo, Pravno-ekonomska klinika i Odsjek za cjeloživotno obrazovanje i strane jezike.

Sažetak projekta / Project abstract

Competition law is one of the Union’s key policies. Competition Law rules are interpreted and applied by lawyers and economist. Competition Law enforcement equally relies on legal and economic analysis. Competition Agency employees are always comprised of lawyers and economists. Therefore it is necessary that Competition Law is thought at both Faculties, Faculty of Law as well as at Faculty of Economics. While EU Competition law is (for some time) thought as a compulsory course at Faculty of Law in Osijek, this is not a case at Faculty of Economics. Students of Faculty of Economics so far had no opportunity to gain any knowledge about EU Competition Law. Moreover, EU Law is still neglected in the education of future economic experts who will in their professional life inevitably work in the Internal Market and therefore will have to understand and apply EU Law as well as EU Competition law. In order to fill that gap in education of student of economy at Faculty of Economics in Osijek, purpose of this project is 1) to introduce new specially tailored course on EU Competition Law at Faculty of Economics in Osijek (mainly non EU related studies) and to upgrade an existing Clinical course and thus to foster multidisciplinary networking and research of two partner institutions from same University; improve the quality of education; promote excellence in teaching, provide the first teaching experience to young scholar and prospective PhD candidate, increase visibility of two partner institutions from same University 2) Project will foster international and multidisciplinary networking and research with the involvement of young researchers in their first teaching experience; 3) through specific project activities (Live client clinic, workshops etc.) increase knowledge and awareness of local undertakings about EU Competition Law rules and thus influence their competiveness at the internal market and promote EU values.

Ciljevi projekta / Project goals

Project objectives will be achieved through carefully planned project activities, each separately aimed at one or more specific target group and each separately aimed to achieve a specific goal. In planning every single activity special attention is given to sustainability and long-term impacts.

Objective 1: New specially tailored course on EU Competition Law at Faculty of Economics in Osijek (mainly non-EU related studies) and to upgrade of existing Clinical course.
This objective shall be achieved by interactive lectures, course material developments, and clinical teaching. Key staff member (comprising of professors of Law and professors of Economy with the involvement of young researchers) will create completely new tailored made course and course materials for students of Faculty of Economics in Osijek. The course will be taught by professors of Faculty of Law in Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek and experienced practitioners from Croatian Competition Agency. This course will equip students of Faculty of Economy with completely new knowledge in EU Competition law (and EU Law, by including in course curricula general EU Law topics). Moreover, existing Clinical course (Legal-Economic Clinic) will be upgraded and redesigned. The new clinical section will be established with specialization for legal advising in the area of EU Competition law. Involved students will develop additional practical skills (legal counseling, interviewing and real case problem solving). Undertakings and public administration bodies, as one target group, will benefit from this activity by getting information or free legal advice on relevant EU Competition Law legal issues. Both activities (new course and a new branch of the Legal economic clinic) shall continue after the expiration of Project.

Objective 2: Project will foster international and multidisciplinary networking and research with the involvement of young researchers in their first teaching experience
This particular objective shall be achieved by 2 specific activity: International spring webinar which shall be organized primarily for law students, students of economics and students from Partner Countries universities (Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia) with the purpose to foster networking of scholars and students from different faculties and neighbouring countries and to serve as a pool for future research and other activities. It will be held by experienced researchers and by the Ph.D. candidate at Faculty of Law in Osijek originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina who whom this will be first teaching experience. Regional cooperation and involvement of students from neighboring and partner countries are going to create interest in EU Competition Law and foster joint research of all included stakeholders. The international conference will be organized in cooperation with Croatian Association for Competition Law and Policy which is roof national organization for Competition Law and Policy comprised of professionals of all profiles and expertise (lawyers, corporate directors, governmental agencies representative, scholars etc.). The conference will gather the most prominent EU Competition Law experts from Croatia, young researchers and Ph.D. students from Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics, foreign experts and Croatian and international academics. It will foster publication and dissemination of the results of academic research. It will also foster future research and cooperation.

Objective 3: Increase knowledge and awareness of local undertakings about EU Competition Law rules and thus foster their competitiveness in the internal market and promote EU values.
This project activity shall be achieved through series of thematic workshops/roundtables on relevant EU Competition Law topics. Target groups are local companies, lawyers, and public administration employees. Workshops shall be organized in cooperation with local or national roof entrepreneurial organizations (Centre for Entrepreneurship in Osijek, Croatian Association of Employees, Croatian Bar Association) and with the participation of academics and Croatian Competition Agency staff. All abovementioned stakeholders will gain new knowledge or improve existing knowledge about relevant EU Competition Law issues. Thematic workshops/roundtables will also serve as forum for open discussion, EU Court case study presentations and, among others, for the dissemination of research results. This project activity will raise knowledge of broader public and their awareness about EU law relevant issue (business sector and public administration) with a positive impact on the increase in visibility of University at local and regional level.